Mt. Sneffels from East Dallas Creek Panorama

Mt. Sneffels from East Dallas Creek Panorama, Mt. Sneffels Wilderness, Colorado
The peaks of the Sneffels Range dominate the skyline as you drive south from Montrose toward Ridgway, Colorado. At 14,150 feet, Mt. Sneffels is the highest peak in the range. Aspen groves cover the rolling ranchland below the range’s steep northern flank. Aspen propagate by putting out underground runners, which then sprout. That means that an aspen grove is really one gigantic organism. It also means every tree in each grove turns color in the fall at the same time. I shot this photograph in late September after the first snow had dusted the peaks and the aspen groves lining the valley of East Dallas Creek had reached their peak color. The unusual "mare's tail" cirrus clouds added the final touch to a spectacular scene.